Hello, hello!
Since I am now out of school and I will no longer have any homework (yay!), and because Facebook notes, Myspace blog, and Livejournal seem to bore me these days, I thought I'd start my own *real* blog. So...Here I am. Starting it.
Well, it's 12:27 a.m. on (technically) May 26 and I am currently watching an older episode of Criminal Minds. Although there are so many episodes that they put on repeat playlist on A&E they never seem to get old. I can watch an episode four times, know exactly what happens, but still be surprised by something else I pick up. Reed talks so fast it's almost necessary to watch some parts of the show over again (Thank you DVR!). Anyway, it's a great show and I can't wait for the season finale tomorrow night. (Well..tonight.)
Speaking of finales, the series finale of Lost aired on Sunday, which was weird because that was also the date of my Graduation, and even though I didn't walk, I will remember May 23, 2010 as a day that college ended and a show that I was obsessed with for 6 years of my life ended. Yes, to know me is to know how easily obsessed I am with things, namely tv shows, movies, and theatre. It's funny that I started watching Lost at the beginning because Dominic Monaghan was in it, and as I kept watching, I realized how epic the show was and how it wasn't going to be a cheesy castaway remake of Gilligan's Island. So I was totally enthralled, I loved every second of every season, and I was even in denial for a whole summer about the death of Charlie Pace (Dominic Monaghan's awesome character). You'd think that, because they killed off my favorite character and the reason I began to watch the show, I would have stopped watching it, but I couldn't. Which was good, because they made Desmond a bigger role, and introduced a new character at the beginning of the next season that would quickly take the role of my favorite (Daniel Faraday was the best addition ever! Totally made dealing with the loss of Charlie easier). So the next couple of season turned even more intense, and ended up dealing with time-travel, and talked a lot about destiny and quantum physics and crazy stuff like that, a.k.a. it was the best drama turned dramatic science fiction show ever. So the final season has to be my favorite because it brought back a whole bunch of dead characters every once in a while and focused more on the final stages of character developement rather than the folklore of the Island they were trapped on. So the finale was bound to be this amazing epic story in which light and dark (Or good and evil if you prefer) would race toward each other in a fight to save or destroy the Island and the people on it. Meanwhile, there is all the Losties in their sideways universe, and they are all remembering life on the Island (The flash sideways was supposed to be as if they never landed on the Island and were all strangers, save a few couples and long lost siblings) and therefore coming together and gathering in a church of sorts. Well, this is the point that, if there are any Lost fans who haven't watched the finale, I say there are great big honkin' spoilers ahead: Jack and Kate, with the help of Desmond, kill Flocke aka Smokie, and then Jack sacrifices himself to save the Island, after appointing Hurley as the "new Jacob" and Ben Linus (Yeah, Linus, the previous villaim) becomes, essentially, the "new Richard Alpert." The others that were on the Island make it off safely and return to where ever they want to end up and, assumedly, live out the rest of their lives as happily as they can. So the flash sideways, meanwhile, Jack finally makes it to the church, everyone else seems to know what's going on, but Jack doesn't remember the Island. He finally gets his dad's coffin, and opens it (A moment like the end of Season 4 when we see John Locke in the coffin after it being a mystery for a whole season) to find his father's body is not there (GASP!) As luck would have it, his father is standing behind him. Confused, Jack says "But you're dead" and Christian replies "Everyone dies sometime, kiddo." Jack then realizes that he is in fact dead as well, and so is everyone in the church....Now here's where interpretation takes over....Did they all die in the plane crash, or was the Island real and this is a reality in which they were all stuck until they could find each other and move on? Well I don't think they all died in the crash. The Island was in fact real, and dialogue proves this interpretation. Hurley talks to Ben. He says "You were a great Number 2." Ben replies, "You were a great number 1." Christian tells Jack that some of the people died before him (Like Charlie and Boone and Sayid) and some died long after him (Hopefully like Claire and Aaron and Kate...) proving that they could not have died in the crash, because they would have died at the same time. Desmond and Penny were in the church....they were not on the plane and, had the Losties all died on the plane, they never would have met the two of them so they would not have been included in this Afterlife reality. Everyone in the room was there because they all had some sort of impact on the others' lives. They needed each other to move on, because nobody dies alone, nor do they live alone. Not completely, anyway. The finale was amazing because it dealt with the ultimate fate of the characters on the show, and focused less on the burning questions and theories fans had about the Island, therefore reinforcing the reality of life...In life, there will always be unanswered questions, unfinished story lines, and mysteries that, maybe, we're not meant to figure out. Sure not all the characters' lives were played on on camera, and on script, but the greatest part about that is that we, as fans, can write their lives out in our heads and with out family and friends if we want to. Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuz are two of the most genius writers I have ever heard of or been a fan of. They have the uncanny ability to create this world inside our world and to keep us hanging onto the edge of our seats, and to remain there even after the finale is over. I am still trying to figure out every detail of the final season,the finale, season one still! That is something that has never happened to me before. I have been totally engrossed in this show for 6 years, and now I don't know what to do with myself.
I suppose this blog can help with that. I have many obsessions, Glee being one of them, theatre being another, and I plan on writing about them randomly as this is my blog and isn't that what blogs are here for?
Until next time, stay cool because it's hot outside. :-)