Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Novel Idea!

So I didn't talk about what my novel will be about in the last post. I got bored of typing, and hoped that my night would end up as a social outing, though I always get my hopes up for them to be dashed away.

Anyway, my story is going to be an adaptation from a script for a short film that I wrote for a class a couple of years ago. It follows a girl named Skylar and her little group of friends. She is a 24 year old graphic designer trying to move on with her life after a very difficult breakup. Her close friends are there to help her, specifically Teresa, who is her best friend. I'll elaborate on the breakup, because the relationship preceding it is the backbone of the story. Skylar was with a guy named Riley James (RJ) for nearly four years, and she had known him 3 years before they dated. They were engaged for a short time before he decided to leave. It was a very sudden decision, and when I say sudden, I mean he decided to leave and an hour later, he was gone, no planning, no explanation, just a quick "Don't follow me, don't contact me," to Skylar as he was driving away. For this reason, and even before he left, Teresa hated RJ...I'm going to say the reason is that she was jealous of their relationship.

So the story takes place 2 years after RJ left and Skylar still struggles with him being gone, but she does her best not to show it...Until she starts having nightmares involving RJ and she has random visions of him when she's awake. She tells her friends, but they just think she needs more sleep and less stress, but she's convinced otherwise. She thinks her "visions" of him when she's awake is actually him but she doesn't know why he won't just talk to her and why he just disappears after she looks away, or blinks or anything like that.

So that's the basic outline of the story. There's a twist, but if I gave it away, then it wouldn't be very much fun to read. I'm playing around with some different ideas about how i want to write it. I've started writing it from Skylar's perspective, but I may either add others' perspectives to go along with hers, or just switch to third person omniscient. We shall see.

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